Monday, 26 September 2011

Bitey The Bullet

Closing Time is an... interesting episode. There's a lot of good stuff in there to be fair. However there are also certain elements in there that I have personally gone on record several time railing against. Indeed, after the first time I watched it I came away feeling a little disappointed. Rewatching it I came to realize that much of this dissatisfaction came from my own expectations and preconceptions. It's silly to judge on episode on what it wasn't rather than what it is. After all, even if it isn't good it's still bad.

Luckily, for all it's faults, this is no Fear Her. But still, what was the problem?

Friday, 23 September 2011

A Complex Delusion

There are many things about the God Complex that I wasn't expecting. That's part of the advantage of avoiding spoilers. I was expecting the Minotaur. After all, he's been in all the promo pictures. But I wasn't expecting the Horns Of Nimon reference. Nor was I expecting another nod to Curse Of Fenric. I mean, twice in one season? Who knew?

But of course the main thing that I think no one was expecting was the way it ended.

Friday, 16 September 2011

This Is What We've Been Waiting For

I'm pretty sure that I've previously mentioned Steven Moffats apparent and somewhat disturbing prediliction for having his main characters repeatedly killed off. This really doesn't look like a habit that's going to get broken any time soon.

Sorry, does that count as a spoiler? I would have thought you'd realise that "Someone Dies" is pretty much par for the course these days. I mean, it's the whole POINT of this series. And anyway, why would you have not watched it by now? It's a goddamn week later. The only reason it's taken me this long to start writing it up is that the Wii Fit is trying to kill me.

So, anyway. What did we think of The Girl Who Waited (to fucking die).

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Guys & Dolls

Night Terrors held a lot of promise. This has so far been a pretty strong series overall, with a dark and creepy atmosphere as almost the default setting. The idea of taking all those childhood fears and projecting them through the lens of Mark Gattis' writing onto the shifting tapestry of horrors that is series 6 seemed like a sure fire recipe for success.

Still, can't win them all can we?

Monday, 5 September 2011


Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I think it's time to remake Star Wars.

Now, this isn't a decision that I've come to lightly. After all, if there's one thing any right minded sentient life form can agree on it's that remakes almost universally suck balls. And everyone likes Star Wars, right?

Well, nearly everyone. Hello George. Yes, we are talking about you. Again.