Friday, 19 June 2009

[old blog import] Oh Thursday, how I love thee. Let me count the ways...

Of all the multitudinous things in life that I truly hate (see also everything) Thursday is pretty high on the list. I have discussed at some length before many of the reasons why, so I won't go into them here.

So, imagine my suprise when some random quiz thing I was doing on facebook told me that something good would happen next thursday! I mean, we all know that I.P. based horroscopes are the most accurate right?

So anyway, thursday rolls around. Let's see all the good things that happened.

My internet died completely for the entire day

I felt slightly more awful than I usually do.

My D&D game was cancelled for the THIRD week in a row.

The replacement strike witches DVD that turned up proved to be just as fucked as the previous copy.

No tall dark strangers which is probably for the best, I'd rather have a short cute one anyday), no fortunes, no romance, nothing like that.  at all.

So yeah, thursday blows once again. Suprise.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

[old blog import] Are You Zappa'd?

So yeah, a little late but I did go to see Zappa Plays Zappa the other night. I normally write up on these events a little sooner, but I was properly fucked afterwards. Bad baguette or something, who knows?

But anyway!

Dweezil Zappa playing old Frank Zappa songs. Awesome event, or overhyped covers band? I guess that some could make the argument that this is just a way of cashing in on his dad's legacy. However I think I'll disagree with that, mainly on the basis that there are about a million easier ways of making a living than actually learning to play the guitar as well as Frank fucking Zappa.

And play he does. The guy has clearly got some talent going on, and plays the songs brilliantly, as does the band. The guy they had for vocals really did sound quite a bit like Frank Zappa, but also carried the parts sung by others just as well. Have to feel a bit sorry for the Female member though, who was doing vocals, keyboards, saxaphone, flute, clarinet and duck call all by herself.

They played quite a bit that I knew, and quite a bit that I didn't. Considering that the Frank Zappa discography is larger than most of Ultramans foes PUT TOGETHER this is hardly suprising. But it was cool, even though I do feel they maybe had one to many drum solos.

The most awesome bit was at the end, where Dweezil got some members of the audience up on stage. What made it was the fact that one of them was a 10 year old boy, and Dweezil gave him the guitar to play!! That just made that kids entire LIFE.

So yeah, despite essentially paying 3 times as much as normal to see a cover band, a good time was had by all.

Though it was kind of wierd being in a room with all those normal looking people.

Monday, 1 June 2009

[old blog import] A Tactical Miscalculation

I've just realised I may have made a bit of mistake.

See, the thing is I've put a bid on a UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie Doujinshi.

Now, UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie is one of my all time favorite animes, and I love it to bits. So obviously I'm keen to get related merchandise and stuff. A doujin is going to be somewhat of a rarity and thus an interesting addition to my collection.

Only, you know, it's a DOUJIN. That means it's going to take this great show that I love and make porn out of it.

Horrible, HORRIBLE porn. With the raping and the fluids and omnipresent sanity wrenching tentacles.

Will I be able to look at the show again in the same way? Will I be able to divorce the characters I like from the haunting images of inappropriate things jammed up their butts?

Will I get busted for imported child porn? I mean, even at the best of times they seem to be declaring manga illegal. Let alone anything to do with a show where the main character changes age on a regular basis.

I've absolutely no idea whats actually in the book, so I can't really say. It's just that I've been to Japan. I've seen inside Doujiin stores.

I get the feeling that whatever happens, I'm going to get more than I bargined for.