Wednesday 17 February 2010

A Perfect Microcosm Of Masculine Logic

I'd like to take a moment to recount yet another dream I have experienced. Because if I have to suffer through this bullshit then I don't see why you should get away scott free.

Anyway, the narrative this time concerned a man (I have no idea who) taking out what I belive was an add on craigslist. You see, he was looking for someone identical to himself to impersonate himself. At his own wedding. Whilst this doppleganger was filling in for him, he would go to Las Vegas with the express intent of gambling his way to a fortune and fucking hookers. When later his wife may find out about this and seek a divorce she would not be intitled to anything because, you see, THEY HAD NEVER REALLY BEEN MARRIED!!!

I should also note that there was a distinct sense of not trying to employ just any clone or twin for this cunning ruse. He was seeking to gain the services of SATAN himself. Because aside from his well documented powers of transmogrification, that would make the whole wedding thing double invalid. Or something.

This stunning narrative has been brought to you courtesy of my brain. Which is apparently on far better drugs than me and not inclined to share.

1 comment:

  1. I seem to be dreaming about work and cats at the momment mostly, far less interesting
