Wednesday 24 February 2010

It's Coming Down: Part 2 - We Haven't Even OPENED The Damn Book Yet.

Last Time I left off my ranting and no doubt incoherent introduction without actually telling you the name of the damn book. This was entirely deliberate and a cheap attempt to build tension. I'm sure you've been on the edge of your seats with anticipation. Well I can't get out of actually having to to write down the words any longer so here we go:


I mean COME ON!! Seriously. Night falls DARKLY?!?! What as opposed to all those really bright nights we have?

It's like the sort of title you'd come up with if you were taking the piss out of goths and needed something ridiculous, cheesy and downright retarded to prove your point. It's like a line from whingy teenagers wangsty poetry about how NOBODY UNDERTANDS THEM. Only the DARKNESS and the NIGHT in eternal caliginous twlight dimness of drab dusky graveyard midnight raven etc etc etc.

I realize after all the build up you may not be all that impressed with the subject of my hilarity, but I'm having a hard time keeping a straight face whilst writing this. Seriously, every time I look around it's there, staring back at me like some sort of demented infernal clown wrought from words and madness. THIS is why people tell you to stop whining and go get some sun.

But of course the title alone does not give away the wonder of the cover. You remember how I said that seeing this book put me on the floor? Pissing the proverbial in my demented hysteria? Well I'd managed to pull myself together enough to start getting up again, when I made the mistake of actually taking it off the shelf. And then I was right back down there. Seriously, someone thought that not only was THAT title a great idea, but THIS cover was just perfect for it?

Seriously, fans of paranormal romance. This is positive proof that the publishers are laughing at you. It's like somebody decided to take every benighted cliche and misconception about the genre and incarnate them into one blasphemous whole.

But don't just take my word for it.....

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case the word is SANCHO.

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