Thursday 12 November 2009

[old blog import] Should Have Worn A Hat Really

A somewhat inauspicous day in general really.

Just before I'm set to leave work there's last minute problems, my lift down to the station forgets completely, the trains are delayed anyway, and above all else, PISSING BLOODY RAIN.

I pity the fool who decided to be at the front of the Queue for Abingdon Boys School. Must have been like a race between Hypothermia and Drowning. I mean, I was pretty far around from the front, and I'm only just about dried out now.

Anyway, a remarkably civilised affair. There was a queue for the merchandise stand. A nice, polite queue. No, fighting your way through a heaving mass of flesh to see how much the CDs are. No standing there for hours desperatly trying to catch the merch minions attention. Just get in line, make your purchase and leave.


Moving on, I must say I've never seen that many Japanese women at a concert before. And I do mean women. As in possibly as old as me. Scary. Though looking at the boys in the band I guess I can see the attraction. The singer, in his glasses and uniform? I'd give him a good solid "mothering". IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Seriously though, I am going so gay for Japanese men lately it's not funny. Are there ANY ugly people in Japan?

So, desperatly trying to stay on topic, the place is pretty damn packed. Not quite sure if it's sold out, but it must be close. Judging by the bands set up they really ought to be playing somewhere bigger, what with all the equipment and roadies and such. For the moment I'm glad they're not, as it's nice seeing a band up close. But I'm pretty sure next time they should be. We'll see.

I wasn't really familiar with them before tonight, only really knowing the one song, but then that's as good a reason as any to come. To get the full experience. They play really well, very energetically, and seem really pleased to be here, which is nice. Though I'm starting to see a pattern of basically every single band I've seen this year asking me if I'm having fun. SEVERAL TIMES. Frankly it's just getting creepy.

But yeah, a good fun gig. Most enjoyable, and it gave me a chance to finally pick up one of their CD's. Which is handy as I'd been contemplating getting some singles on ebay. And of course, despite all the delays and such I'm back early, which considering the amount of work I have waiting for me is a very good thing.

Sleep now, for torment awaits.

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