Friday, 29 June 2012

X & Violence Part 5: And Sex(y)

So, let's talk about sexism in video games. I mean, this is a subject that anyone who's interested in the medium is going to have address sooner or later. I must admit that while I had some thoughts and ideas for a post I wasn't planning on doing one so soon. But then events caught up with me...

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

X & Violence Part 4: Taking The Shark For A Walk

So, I managed to achieve a couple of things last time. I managed to retain a mostly positive tone when discussing something. And thing that I was discussing was one of the key titles involved I finally convincing me to actually buy a new console. There are a few of these as you might imagine. And I haven't gotten all of them yet. But today i'd like to talk about another one of them. And this time I don't think I'm going to be able to be QUITE as positive overall.

So, let's talk about The Force Unleashed.

Monday, 25 June 2012

X & Violence Part 3: Hell Is Other People

One of the things I wanted to do with this particular series of posts was to talk about specific games, and the thoughts and issues that have arisen through playing them. So far I've not really been able to do this, as I've been discussing things in a broader sense. But one thing that I particularly wanted to talk about going into this was the Halo franchise. Obviously it's a big important IP for the xbox. But more than that it's something that I quite like, but I know quite a lot of people don't. Certainly none in my social group. So I figured it could be fun to explore what it is I like about the franchise, and see if I can answer some of the common criticisms levelled at it.

And the funny thing is that normally the answer is "Yeah, that's very true."

I refuse to not use this picture.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

X & Violence Part 2: Peen There, Done That

Okay, so I guess that introductory post to this particular series got a little negative towards the end. And even though I guessed correctly I didn't get a prize. What sort of fucking game is this anyway?

So, this time I thought I'd try and raise the tone a little and talk about something the xbox does better than the wii. No, I'm still not talking about graphics and I NEVER WILL BE. Today I want to talk a little about achievements.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Onomatopoeic Expression Of Delight At Soft Furnishings.

I suppose in some ways it was kind of reassuring that, back when Dr Who finally returned to out screens, the first proper new monster was a bit a rubbish. The Autons were a classic we were all familiar with. The Geth were just ghosts and/or zombies. And Whilst the various weirdoes from The End Of The World were at least aliens they were more bystanders than proper, full on MONSTERS.

No, the first proper shot we got was with the Slitheen. They were big and real and actual villainous bad guys. With a 2 part story to roam around in and everything. And whilst perhaps that particular couplet was the highest point of the revival, it really wasn't all that far down the list either. I mean, I'll take a tired and overplayed fart gag over a bloody love ship any day.

One of the things I think they really got right in that story was the design of the aliens. They're distinctive and original and actually a bit creepy. I've always liked them from a purely aesthetic standpoint if nothing else. And luckily for me the world of Doctor Who miniatures is a strange morass of murky trademark infringement and minor but legally binding differences.

Friday, 22 June 2012

X & Violence Part 1: All A Bored

As you may be aware, a little while ago I finally bought myself an xbox. Why? Well, partly because I'd actually been given opportunity to play a few games on a friends one and quite enjoyed it. Partly because I was getting back into Star Wars in a big way and wanted to get The Force Unleashed. But if I'm honest it's mostly because I was sulking. Various issues had ruined my plans for the weekend and set me in a rather bad mood. And nothing brightens ones mood quite like wasting three hundred quid or so.

As a consequence of this of course my available free time has become rather occupied, and I haven't been doing quite as much of other things as maybe I should. Some might call it video game addiction. Personally I'd say it's more to do with having a compulsive personality and shitty life. Anyway point is since I've been playing a lot of video games it means I've been THINKING a lot about video games. So why not turn this to my advantage and squeeze out a few posts on the subject?

So, let's start with some general faff and see where the thought train leads us.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Comic Sans Part 3: We Are The World

So, I've already been over the (admittedly loose) mechanics and character building used in my Overpower game. And I said I'd talk a little about setting in this instalment.  So let me see if I can remember enough about how the worlds worked to actually describe them.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Comic Sans Part 2: We Are Here, Where Are You From?

So, last time I talked a little about the basic mechanics of the Overpower system that I came up with some years ago for doing super hero games. It's fairly rules light, but still has a few. And this of course means that we'll need some way of recording the relevant details. So today I'm going to go through the character sheet and character generation.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Comic Sans Part 1: Maths And Stuff.

It is a given fact that, when running a game, I tend to favour the rules light approach. Often to the exclusion of actually having any rules whatsoever. Now, partly of course this allows me to concentrate on story, character and drama without having to worry about the fact that only one person at the table is capable of rolling above 10 on a D20.

Every time. Every. Damn. Time.

But equally I suppose it's simply that I can't be bothered to do all the maths and have to stat out every little thing just in case. Obviously there are both advantages and disadvantages to any way of running a game, and one is not necessarily better than the other. It all depends on the type of game you're aiming for and the people involved.

But anyway, at least one time I DID write up a system with actual rules. Not many, I admit. But some. And since some of my players have expressed an interest in maybe digging the game out for another go at some point I figured this was a good opportunity to dig out my notes and write it up.

So, ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you to the Overpower system.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Not The Sort Of Wars You Were Expecting

I'd like to take a moment, if I may, to talk about about racism. Specifically racism in Star Wars.