Monday, 21 July 2014

Skirmish Game Campaign Setting Introduction: Intergalactic Terror World.

In her initial paper outlining the analysis of the mysterious alien mineral that would eventually come be to be known as Ouroborite, Professor Heisen noted that when properly refined and controlled the substance could be employed to produce a near limitless source of energy.

She also noted that in it's naturally occurring unrefined state it had a tendency to rip the head of physics, shit down the neck of sanity and thence merrily bugger the corpse of the space/time continuum. All the while laughing hysterically at the very concept of objective reality.

Potent stuff.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Reports Of My Battle May Be Greatly Exaggerated: Dino-Might

It's time. The minis are painted, the scenery stocked up and the dice lying in a big pile of 1s and critical failures like they usually do. We're going to have a go at actually PLAYING Dino-Might.

You didn't think I was doing all this for FUN did you?

Monday, 14 July 2014

Nugget Humanum

It is with a sense of great relief that I can finally announce that the Dino-Might painting project is, at least for the time being, done. This last couple of parts have seem to have taken the longest to complete, but that might simply be because they're the overall the least exciting. So whilst I can't guarantee anything particular edifying for this particular post it does mean I am now at last free to pursue slightly more interesting projects.