Wednesday 1 June 2011


Cliffhangers. If there's one thing we as Doctor Who fans love it's cliffhangers. The concept is deeply ingrained into the very fabric of Doctor Who.

Any excuse to use this pic

And one of the great things about this season is that we're getting some bonus ones. Whilst the 45 minute format has undeniably been successful, the limited number of 2 parters in each series has created something of a cliffhanger shortage. And whilst quality is obviously preferable over quantity it doesn't hurt to have a bit of both. Enter series 6. Can you believe that only 2 episodes in this half haven't ended on a massive cliffhanger? Isn't it absolutely MARVELLOUS?

And of course, this has been a cliffhanger that will live in legend. Who can honestly say that they saw that coming?

Well, I can actually. But only just. As I awoke Saturday morning at whatever ungodly hour it was, my brain was for some reason thinking about Dr Who. It does that sometimes. I think it was turning over various thoughts over who was secretly a ganger and who was crazy and what kind of DOOM we were in for. And then I suddenly had the audacious thought: what if Amy was actually a Ganger. It could explain all kinds of things like the disappearing pregnancy, and that creepy woman. It almost made sense. But surely they'd never do anything so crazy. My daft theories are never normally correct. Though I do admit that mostly my daft theories are about everyone secretely being the Myrka in disguise.

No Luke... I am your father!

Now, I don't mean to bring this up in a kind of "look at me I'm so clever" kind of way. Although I must admit to being TOTALLY fucking stonked that I worked it out. Rather I think this goes to illustrate how a really good twist in a story works. It doesn't come out of nowhere, and it has to make sense. Even better, it should be so audacious that even those who do guess it wouldn't really think they're right. But that's just what we've got here. It's been a fantastic piece of misdirection. Everyone's been so busy theorising about clone Doctors and alternate timelines and then suddenly WHAM! Great stuff.

On that note I'd just like to take a moment to praise the trailer from last week. It was a masterfully edited piece, which gave the strong and clear impression that the Ganger Doctor was going to go totally crazy. Indeed, I'm sure that's what most of us were expecting. And yet most of that footage was from, what? The first minute or two of the actual episode? Just where he's having a bit of trouble stabilizing. And then the two Doctors are okay, and indeed the best of friends. And indeed why wouldn't they be? This is THE DOCTOR we're talking about. He's nice. If you want an evil Doctor then go and get the Master.


Anyway, it just goes to prove that old saying that the only thing better than having Matt Smith is having TWO Matt Smiths. Oh, and heaps of dark, twisted HORROR. I mean, really. This is going out at 6:45, and we have people melting, piles of twisted flesh, living eyes in the walls... The whole works. Not that I'm complaining mind you, I love all that stuff. This series has been dark and complicated and mature in a way Torchwood only wishes it could be. Or would if it didn't spend so much time thinking about nobbing.

I'm sure I'm not the first one to think it, but we may well be witnessing the Hinchcliff/Holmes era of modern Who.

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