Monday 23 January 2012


So, the guy from D&D with porn stars posted a questionnaire and invited everyone to fill it out (ooo err). Let's have a crack at it and see what happens.

1. If you had to pick a single invention in a game you were most proud of what would it be?

That I can actually talk about? I suppose Mindspikes were pretty cool, although the system I arrived at for randomly determining character generation in-game after that worked a little better. Basically a Mindspike is six inch barbed piece of metal that you stick in your head. Which assuming you're a Slate gives you awesome powers or skills. The advanced system basically used a sort of Tarot of Death and Horror for slightly more... developed results. I really should see if I've still got that written down somewhere, that game was boss.

Although I guess there was the time I put in vending machines that dispensed packets of Flaming Death Bees.

2. When was the last time you GMed?

A few month ago now. We took a break to try D&D out. Guess how well that's worked out.

3. When was the last time you played?

Last week.

4. Give us a one-sentence pitch for an adventure you haven't run but would like to.

Giant monsters are attacking the city, deal with it. Seriously, why aren't there more Sentai themed games?

5. What do you do while you wait for players to do things?

Listen to them bicker, roll dice in a sinister manner and plot.

6. What, if anything, do you eat while you play?

Very little.

7. Do you find GMing physically exhausting?

It can be pretty draining, depending on the game in question, but exhausting? Only really when having to play Mr Baron for extended periods.

8. What was the last interesting (to you, anyway) thing you remember a PC you were running doing?

Going slowly mad and preparing for the dispensation of divine retribution. It's so much fun playing someone who is totally losing their shit.

9. Do your players take your serious setting and make it unserious? Vice versa? Neither?

Not really, no. The setting is as much defined by the players as the GM. For as much as I tend to fill my worlds with unremitting horror and constant nudity they don't HAVE to be like that every game.

10. What do you do with goblins?

Give them families to mourn them.

11. What was the last non-RPG thing you saw that you converted into game material (background, setting, trap, etc.)?

.... Tricky. Plenty of stuff I pick up here and there get's put into my games, but it does go through the blender of my mind first, so it can be hard to pick it out afterwards. However it is normally easy to spot when I've been playing far to much Yu-Gi-Oh.

12. What's the funniest table moment you can remember right now?

The Buccaneer singing specially tailored insulting shanties at the evil wizard every time he tried to taunt the party.

13. What was the last game book you looked at--aside from things you referenced in a game--why were you looking at it?

Probably something from Star Wars Saga edition. And I was trying to see if it was actually possible to build any of the ideas I had for a Yuuzhan Vong character. Then I cursed class based systems as the work of the devil.

14. Who's your idea of the perfect RPG illustrator?

I don't think there is one really. Not only because I don't know anything about arts and stuff, but because different games will require different approaches to evoke the right aesthetic.

15. Does your game ever make your players genuinely afraid?

Depends how many spiders I put in.

16. What was the best time you ever had running an adventure you didn't write? (If ever)

LOL, modules.

17. What would be the ideal physical set up to run a game in?

Somewhere with comfy seats and reasonable toilet facilities.

18. If you had to think of the two most disparate games or game products that you like what would they be?

Solely in terms of role playing products? I have no idea, I don't really tend to use much bought stuff

19. If you had to think of the most disparate influences overall on your game, what would they be?

Again, hard to say. I take influence from all kind of things, books, games, anime, whatever Doctor Who story I happened to watch last, random bit's of conversation. But I'm not sure I could really pick out any diametrically opposed stations of the spectrum. It's more like one confusing continua of STUFF that somehow my brain then renders into a game. Whether or not any of it is actually any good is of course a separate matter entirely.

20. As a GM, what kind of player do you want at your table?

A friend. Who else would you run a game for?

21. What's a real life experience you've translated into game terms?

Umm.... The fact that everything is unremittingly horrible?

22. Is there an RPG product that you wish existed but doesn't?

A straightfoward, intuitive system for recreating Tokustsu style combat and situations in an RPG context. That or a set of Ultraman themed dice.

23. Is there anyone you know who you talk about RPGs with who doesn't play? How do those conversations go?

Not really, but I can't imagine they'd go overly well.

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