Sunday 1 January 2012

A Deadly Medley

It's nice having a bit of time of work isn't it? Gives you a chance to relax, and maybe catch up on few jobs. Well, more likely it gives you a chance to wake up on Saturday morning wondering why it's suddenly Friday and having achieved basically nothing.

However, despite not actually doing half the crap I wanted to, I did at least manage to get a little bit of painting done, so let's try and focus on the positive shall we? Although to be fair I doubt there's many that would describe my mini painting as even remotely positive, but screw those guys.

First up we have the Dragon himself from Dragonfire. To say I'm looking forward to them FINALLY releasing this story on DVD would be something of an understatement, but in the meantime I thought I'd have a go at painting up the monster. Shockingly simple to do as well, just a question of drybrushing grey with silver highlights, and then picking out the pipes in silver. Follow that up with a black ink wash and hey presto, looks pretty good I think.

An old Citadel piece, I believe this particular old crone was from an early version of talisman. Trickier to do than you're standard monster type, as indeed anything that is an actual person seems to be. Rather than going for the normal skin wash though I wanted her to look really filthy and dirt encrusted, so I used a mix of brown and yellow ink, same as you use for skeletons. It does have a way of making things look rather... Manky.

Mutant Grant from Hasslefree Miniatures. I'd wanted to have a go at some of their stuff for a while, as it does all look rather nice. And this guy really sold me on finally ordering a few pieces. He would undoubtedly work in a game of DOOM: The Boardgame. Only having one I suppose he'd have to be a boss, but that's fine. If you can't have infected marines in DOOM, then where can you have them?

Druuschan Striker, also from Hasslefree. I don't really know what a Druuschan is, except that it seems to be something to do with space zombies. And as tired and cliche as zombies have become, everything is better in space. Jason X proved that. Again, this is one I looked at and though DOOM. I mean, we already have Cyberdemons, why not Cyberzombies as well?

The third and final piece from Hasslefree in this instalment is Stalks. Nothing to do with DOOM this time though, I simply got him because he's adorable. I think I may have started out too light on the flesh colour, but with a bit of inking I think I managed to get away with it. A really fun piece. Maybe sometime this year I'll try picking up some of the World Of Twilight minis from the same sculptor. They seem pretty fun.

Then we have this Vampire from Heresy Miniatures. Now, I have to admit that I've developed pretty particular views on vampires over the years. Simply I've really gotten tired of the rather effeminate way they've increasingly been portrayed. Now, there's a time and a place for a nice frilly shirt, but personally if I had to choose I'd want the terrifying bestial nosferatu style monsters. This mini is what vampires SHOULD look like. I', actually pretty damn pleased with the way he came out as well. I used the same technique I'd tried before on some ghouls. Using grey as the base skin colour, and then coming in with a heavy wash of flesh. Extra highlighting in rotting flesh and bleached bone. The end result is a skin tone that really looks rather dead. Which is handy considering the amount of skin on offer here. Naughty vampire.

Finally we have Heresy's Hellmites. I'd had my eye on these, but never quite got around to ordering them. At least until I saw what some idiot troll was writing in a futile attempt to badmouth Heresy. Seeing as how I quite like the company I decided to order a few bits and pieces purely out of spite. I am nothing if not contrary. Anyway, these things are, it must be said, utterly grotesque. It's fantastic. They came out okay I think, though I'm not sure if I really managed to do justice to how utterly repellent they look up close.

Anyway, that's all for now, although obviously I have a bunch of stuff lined up to work on. And all these sales really aren't helping the pile diminish.

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