Saturday 31 January 2009

[old blog import] I'm much better than yours...

You know who is apparently awesome? Other than pan-dimensional zombie Elvis, Ultraman and that one guy that was in Star Wars (you know the one I mean)?

Well, apparently it's me. Tremble before your new master, peons.

Today has been really good.Tokyo day was rather fun, though perhaps geared more toward people without an unhealthy knowledge of Japan. But we saw some cool (by which I of course mean INSANE) anime, and the dancing, music and Taiko were all well good. It was fun to mooch around and see some of the stuff, though of course having already been to Tokyo I was familiar with some of it already. The only major disapointment was the "display" of so called Tokyo street fashion, which basically amounted to a few pictures of people in fairly normal looking clothes and a long shot of that one street in Harajuku. Where were the goddamn Lolitas? Seriously. Still, just as well there weren't any really. I didn't bring any duct tape with me.

On a related note I feel pretty cool, as no less than THREE different people asked me to be in photos with/for them. This has never happened to me before. But when a girl comes up and asks if she can take your picture because and I quote "you're awesome" you can't help but feel a little chuffed.

After we had drunk our fill of the ambience at the expo we set sale for merry olde camden towne, where much shopping of the clothes took place. Got some wicked new trousers in Cyberdog, and an awesome top that's probably meant for a girl if I'm brutally honest, but Ireally don't care. It's goddamn awesome and I'm pretty sure I can carry it off, so fuck you and your antiquated notions of gender specific satorial segregation. I will destroy you. In other news we went to the oriental buffet place on Camden highstreet, where much tasty food was consumed at an almost reasonable price. Om nom nom.

So it's been a good day for gawpers. I've come to the conclusion that it's really rather silly to dress the way I do and get arsy when people look at me. Just enjoy it. After all, you DO look a bit wierd to most peoples tastes. No point being offended. If you don't on some level want the attention why the hell arre you dressing up anyway? Give the buggers something to talk about, why not? I feel pretty cool, so lets share it around a little.

And when I get in and decide to myself "day good. must blog. rawrrrrr." I find that in addition to annoymously brightening some random strangers facebook pages I have also been wroted about on teh internets!! In Japanese!! So big up props and other such colloquialisms to blahblah nurse Ako. Go check out Blahblah Hospital and buy some of her clothes. They are well good.

I am well chuffed right now. And I've still got Propaganda J-Rock AND LM.C to go.

Something terrible is going to happen any minute.

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