Monday 18 January 2010

re: Tardy

Just occured to me that I haven't actually managed to post anything this past week. This is down to a number of issues ranging from work, stress, depression, apathy, forgetfullness and spending all my time playing video games rather than doing anything even remotely constructive.

This isn't really my fault, as I was forced into panic buying Metroid: Prime Trilogy at the start of the week when it was announced they were gonna stop making it. So rather than waiting for it to go down under £30 I ended up paying £45. I justify this to myself by repeatedly chanting "it's 3 games" over and over. Plus It will (possibly) start getting silly expensive to get hold of soon, as everyone else panic buys it as well.

Mind you, if there's a £25 second hand copy floating around next time I have the misfortune to go down the town I will not be best pleased.

But still, I really need to work on some of the things I wanted to write posts about. I have a list and everything. A list from pretty much before I started this up. Which I have done NOTHING with. Still, some of this stuff requires a bit of research, and I really can't be bothered to watch all the Star Wars films right now. Maybe I should take a day off work and catch up? Who knows.

Anyway, by way of pennance (there's no point saying apology since it's not like anyones reading this at all, let alone waiting with baited breathe) I will include.....

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