Saturday 5 March 2011

It's Coming Down Part 3: Introduction To The Crudbult

You know, it's funny, but I've been in a fairly good mood today. The new Guild Wars update is out and making all my dreams come true, and when I haven't been playing that I've been watching Ultraman Mebius again, which is undoubtedly one of the best series of ANYTHING ever.

So, I though to myself, how can we spoil this good mood completely and plunge myself into bleak suicidal despair, whilst simultaneously giving me a blogging project?


Oh dear, it's that time again. In pursuit of a massive embolism I've decided to embark upon the third volume of the regrettably ongoing adventures of raw Sanchosity that are the shadow guard novels.

Truly there is no god.

Anyway, the story so far:

I think that about sums it up.

If I wasn't still having flashbacks to trauma of finishing book 2 I'd almost be looking forward to this. After all, it should be somewhat of a departure from what went before. To summarise:

Book 1
Immortal meets human, frottage, sexual assault, human becomes immortal, lives "happily" ever after

Book 2
Immortal meets human, frottage, sexual assault RAPERAPERAPE immortal becomes human, lives "happily" until they inevitably die.

So in this book who knows what we'll get. Human meets human? Immortal meets immortal? Face meets palm? ANYTHING could happen. I frankly doubt it will given past experience, but there we have it.

The other almost intriguing part is the choice of lead. Book one was of course rise of the Sancho. And book 2 was Dark Sancho Junior the second part 2: Electric Boogaloo. But now we have a FEMALE lead character. Not only that, but the character is one of the 2 from what has gone before that I managed not to completely HATE with every fiber of my being, The Countess Bitchy herself. I feel quite sure that by the end of this that situation will have been rectified. After all, so far the roles of any female character have been to be

  2.  Molested
  3.  Imperiled
  4.  Still USELESS

In that order.

As to why I actually almost liked the character, that's partly them actually having one or two interesting traits, but mostly them not being in either of the previous two books enough to get ruined by the "writing".

Quite where we go from here is anybodies guess, but I think any direction involving down is a pretty safe bet.

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