Saturday 26 June 2010

8 things Linkbait Generator has in common with Satan

I has a new toy.

Linkbait Generator is my new favorite thing™. Put simply, you give it a subject and will give you an alarmist, reactionary and/or controversial article title. And they are inevitably hilarious. Thus I intend to commit myself to begin actually writing these articles on a regular basis.

So the rules I will follow are as follows: at some point each week I will feed a subject into the generator. I will allow myself no more than 3 shots in the event of a creativity failure, but will try to stick to the first wherever possible. I will attempt to remain at least somewhat factual where possible, but reserve the right to generate absolute bullshit if I happen to find it funny. I will continue to do this, in addition to whatever else I happen to be writing about, for as long as I can actually be bothered.

So, without further ado here is the 8 things Linkbait Generator has in common with Satan

  1. It is a prince of lies
  2. It feeds on human suffering
  3. It is actually incredibly rock and roll
  4. It uses so called "SCIENCE " and "TECHNOLOGY" to undermine traditional values and scriptual teachings
  5. It will try to corrupt you, take your soul, and use you to further its sinister plans
  6. It is also possible that this has already happened
  7. It dwells in a place of infinite suffering and lavicious perversity
  8. It once ate a live baby on national television (citation needed).
 Oh yeah, this should be fun.

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