Saturday 26 June 2010

Let's Play Guild Wars Part The Eighth: Blood For The Blood God, Delicious Candy For Evryone Else

So, in our last thrilling installment I learnt elementalisms and failed to save a chicken from the forces of darkness. Where do go from here?

Away, as it turns out. I'm running out of things I can do around here, so it's of to the other end of the map.

Not Pictures: The quick route

 So, what fantastic job opportunities await us here? Deliver a bear skin rug or whatever? Meh. Oooo, here's a good one: Quiz the locals on their political inclinations to make sure they're not a big bunch of traitors.

Of course. Because it's not like they'll just LIE or anything. Mind you, since those opposed to the current king are continually referred to as Royalists you'd forgive them being a little confused about the whole thing. I know I am. Might as well just forge the questionnaires and get on with something interesting.

Speaking of something interesting, I spy with my little eye something beginning with BREASTS.

Here we go again...

It funny the way clothing works around here. I always thought you basically started by covering up the sensitive and/or naughty parts and the worked out. But here it's like the opposite. Anything covered EXCEPT the "characteristics". Shame really, because that's almost a practical outfit. Just a shame about the holes in the chest. I mean, if it rains then the whole suits gonna fill up with water.

Anyway, in case you couldn't guess from the overly melodramatic name, she's a Necromancer too! We have so much in common. Obviously we should fuck now. Or, you know, not.

Turns out she has problems beyond sheltering her copious mammeries from the elements. There's some dodgy cultists who have done something to earn her disfavor. Can't remember what exactly, but it probably didn't involve looking her in the eye much. Anyway, she'll teach me some new Blood Magic if I agree to go slot them up. It's not Death Magic and it doesn't involve hideous minions, but I'll take whatever I can get. Plus I'd like to get out of here before I accidentally fall down her cleavage and suffocate. So it's back to the catacombs in search of these evil deviant blood cultists.

Let's see.... Are you blood cultists?

Nope. Gargoyles can't be cultists. That would be silly. They can however be murdered and raised up as twisted abominations of unlife. Which is always fun. However all good things come to end, and eventually the gargoyles run out, leading us on to....

This seems legit. Stop being a pussy.

Now this looks much more promising. I must say I do like the architectural vibe they have going on down here. It's all very cyclopean. Much nicer than all those sun drenched peasant hovels up on the surface. Kind of makes you wonder why more people don't move in. I mean apart from the giant scorpions, giant spiders, gargoyles, ghosts and skeletons.

No, I don't have a bone to pick with you. I have an axe.


The cultists are skeletons! Wait, what? Blood cultists. Doing blood magic and stuff. Shouldn't they, I dunno, HAVE blood? Just a bit? Well, I suppose it's fairly irrelevant really as they're just going to die. Again. Only properly this time. I mean they WERE dead. And then they were undead. But soon they'll be DEAD dead. Or something.....


Kill this for me, I can't even be bothered to look at it.

So, what's next?

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