Wednesday 30 June 2010

How visual kei is part of the gay agenda

Oh Linkbait Generator, are you even trying?

First, to gay people have an agenda? Is it like being in Cobra or something? Do they get secret underground lairs in which to plot the downfall of society? Pehaps gay marriage is actually a codename for a type of missile, which even now is aimed at YOU. You know, like how in Cobra everything named after snakes in some fashion. Maybe they have equal rights tanks and my sexual preferences are none of your damn buisness bombers?

Perhaps not.

Anyway, to address the issue at hand, allow me to introduce a member of Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet-

Isn't she gorgeous?

Well, as some would have it....

Yeah, thats a man. And you know what?

I DON'T CARE. I still would and so would you.

This is of course but one example. Visual Kei generally tends to feature a certain amount of transvestism, androgeny and gender blurring. There's more attractive guys in VK bands than there are in most entire countries.

So THAT'S how VK is part of the G.A.Y. agenda (all shadowy oragnizations names must be acronyms. I don't know what it stands for, but I know that it will make NO SENSE AT ALL). It totally makes you gay.

Unless your a chick I guess. But then according to my internet researches all women are lesbians anyway. Though quite how they find the time to do anything else is a mystery.

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